Member Information

This section contains information and links to documents that would be useful to our members. Here you can find monthly service assignments, church directory, birthday and anniversary information, constitution and bylaws documents, and information on facilities reservations. 

noteworthy news

Noteworthy News that was previously found here is now available on the What's Happening page.  A .pdf image of the Sunday bulletin is available there to view, download, and/or print.

Service Assignments


Date                       Meditation                               

07/07                          David Taylor

07/14                           Bill Marshall

07/21                           Greg Glaszczak

07/28                           Kevin Taylor

08/04                          Truman Hiatt

08/11                             James Magee

08/18                            Rex McGuire

08/25                           Rick Morehouse    



NOTE:  Until further notice communion will be self-serve at stations set up in the worship area for that purpose.  Offering plates will be found at the communion stations as well.

Alternate Servers:



Home Communion

Date                   Assigned


Clean-up:  TBD

Nursery Helpers:

Date                       Assigned

07/07                    Cheryl Bovard & Shirley Harpster

07/14                     Carole McGuire & Sandy Burton

07/21                      Paul & Ruby Burton

07/28                     Virginia Morehouse & Angela Petty

08/04                    David & Diane Taylor



Facilities Reservation Process

If you wish to reserve any part of the Northland facility for an event, please follow the procedure described below so that communications are timely and complete:

1. Contact David Taylor and tell him: 

a.  the purpose for which you want to reserve the facility, 

b.  what part(s) of the facility (Upper Room, Fellowship Hall, and/or             Sanctuary) you want to reserve, and

c.  The date(s) and time(s) you want to use the facility.

2. If there is no problem with the purpose, David will verify that the facility is available at the requested time and that you have downloaded, have read read, and agree to the terms of usage specified in the Facility Use Packet.  If all is in order, you need to complete the agreement form and submit it along with a check for the required deposit(s) and/or usage fee(s) to the facilities manager who oversees this program.  Currently that is Ron Magee.  The facilities manager will review the documents with you and answer any questions you may have.   NOTE: The elders may waive either or both of those fees.  The facilities manager does not have that authoritiy. 

3. After your event is completed and you have cleaned the facility, contact the facilities manager again and inform him. He will arrange to have the facility checked and locked, and, if it has been cleaned per the usage agreement, he will return your custodial deposit. It is essential that EVERYONE follow this proceedure so that

a. no usage conflicts occur, and

b. those who need to know about events occuring on church property will be informed. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.